A review by theestherhadassah
The Perilous Journey Of The Much Too Spontaneous Girl, by Leigh Statham


DISCLAIMER: I received an e-ARC of this book (as well as a copy of the first book) in exchange for honest review. As it is the second book of this series, this shall be a spoiler-free review.

I have never really read steam-punk before, so this was a first for me. I really liked how the theme held piracy and some of the known names. You definitely need to read the first book to know what you are getting into, to know and be familiar with Marguerite's character. The author's writing style is nice. Also, did you see that cover up there? Whomever the cover artist is, they did a great job trying to capture Marguerite in her element.

This book follows the same 17th century theme as the first book. I love how it is not necessarily historical fiction. If you are looking to get into reading Steampunk, this is definitely the book (series) for you. Definitely read it in order so you don't get lost. And enjoy!