A review by foomple
Fireside Magazine, Issue 87 by Alisa Alering, Maurice Broaddus, Sloane Leong


I've only recently come into contact with Fireside Magazine, and I'm definitely interested now in checking out more of their stuff. I happened across Sloane Leong's Mouth & Marsh, Silver & Song by chance, read it and enjoyed it. I liked the gender bits and the way its poetic language was also off-putting; it got my attention, but then I was doing other things and forgot about it. Since then it kept being called back to mind, but (and this is a problem I often have with short stories, and it drives me up the wall) I could not for the life of me recall where I had read this lovely/horrible monster tale. I just found it again and am capturing it with a review so that I won't lose track of it again.

Seeing as it was in the same issue, I also read Alisa Alering's That Time I Found a Phone Booth Where I Can Talk to My (Dead) Dad in order to review it, and I'm happy to say I really enjoyed that one too. Both have a haunting feel, like their ingredients included poetry and hallucinations, and I like that. I plan to read more Fireside.