A review by yetanothersusan
The Question of the Absentee Father by Jeff Cohen, E.J. Copperman


Poor Samuel Hoenig! What to do when his own mother asks him to answer a question that ends up involving making phone calls, airflight, staying in a hotel, and even driving on a freeway in California! But this isn't the worst part! The question needing answering is: where is your father? Samuel is forced to track down his father who left them when he, Samuel, was 4 years old. As is typical with someone on the spectrum, Samuel's feeling regarding his father are not what most people would expect and he spends a lot of time telling people that he has no attachment to this man he doesn't even remember. But that doesn't stop him from following his mother's directive. While the book has a lot of repetition that I don't remember being present in the previous books and Samuel's interactions with the California Highway Patrol were completely unbelievable, it was a very clever story and I like where it might lead to in the future.

A copy of this book was provided by NetGalley and Midnight Ink in exchange for an honest review.