A review by bargainbookquest
Glinda of Oz by L. Frank Baum



Well, that one is totally different the all previous ones, that's for sure.

It is considered darker by a lot of people and I cannot fully agree with it or disagree either because the whole plot of this book is based on a war between two clans and Ozma and company, are totally oblivious to it as it is not happening that close to the Emerald City and, apparently, all these people had no idea who Ozma was.

Finally it isn't Dorothy who saves the day and I'm glad that, after 13 books, we are reminded that's she only a child with no magic and got lost in this mysterious land with strange characters and rules and laws and that she cannot truly be a hero. Ozma felt basically useless throughout the books to be honest and there was such a fuss about her... I mean, they turned her into a boy to keep her secure for crying out loud. Anyway, that started well and finished off out of the context of this book *laughs*

I, again, will praise the author for his imagination as, yet again, he came up with a part of land (or island, really) that sinks underwater or floats on water.

Things I didn't really like is how characters like Scraps and Uncle Henry were mentioned as it felt more like a reminder that, hey, yes, they do still exist but let's just say their name and maybe one word or a sentence that doesn't do anything for the story and then let's move on to the story... I mean, it was cute and a nice touch but... why?

I think, by book 14, I was just done with this world and I wanted it done and over with. I mean, I still liked it quite a bit anyway. I think my review of it shows I'm basically all over the place and probably don't make a lot of sense either.