A review by novelsbycaitlin
My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent


Okay, I didn't finish it. So sue me. In all honesty, it wasn't bad. In fact, I liked the characters, the whole concept. The dialogue was well written. I mean, Vincent is an experienced writer, so of course it was written well.

But what kept me from finishing it, was the lack of a hold it held on me. A good half of the book is full of discussions. Between Kaylee and Nash (okay, I hate that name), Kaylee, Nash and Tod, Kaylee and her uncle, Tod and Kaylee, Kaylee and her aunt. Yada, yada, yada. An endless stream of conversations, all occurring in a few days. Not that they held no purpose, but if I had to reveal info, I'd do it in a much more pace efficient way.

So, from the 80% I'd finished, I found the characters developed and realistic. I kinda liked Kaylee (which is unusual because I usual never like MC) but I found Nash too good to be true. In fact, I was diggin' Tod. I'd love to see some more Tod! Speaking of romance, I hated the fact that Nash and Kaylee just "BAM" came together. I love watching the development between two people and I felt that Nash and Kaylee's development lacked.

I definitely want to finish this book. I just lack time and when I was sifting through the many things I have to do and read (for school) MY SOUL TO TAKE just didn't make the list. Some day, it will.