A review by raven168
Dwellers of Darkness by Stacey Marie Brown


Eli and Ember have definitely become one of my absolute favorite couples. The two of them feed off of each other and compliment the other perfectly. Plus they are just a hell of a lot of fun to read about. I hate love triangles, so I was thrilled with this book when Ember simply went with her heart and didn't become all wishy washy over who to choose. She really is quite a bad-ass sometimes, but with Eli there were times where she was such a girl and it was cute and made her seem so much more real. And I don't even know where to start with Eli because he was just so....awesome in this book.

Starting literally right where the last one ended, Ember isn't given much time to wrap her head around how long she has been gone and the change that came over Eli before the queen's soldiers come after them. They all flee and manage to get away with Ember being the only one hurt, though that was all her own fault. Lily is not happy about being around dark dwellers at all, and Ember also wants to leave because of the hostility coming off of Eli. But when enough logic is thrown at her, she realizes it is safer for them at the compound. When the fighting between Eli and Ember gets too much for the others to deal with, they find themselves locked together in room to work it out. Which they eventually kind of sorta do...until Lily and Kennedy walk in on them. Things greatly improve between the two of them after that and I was definitely happy that it took such a short time for Eli to calm down and be back to himself more or less. Then one day some visitors show up who have escaped from the queen. Practically carrying Torin are Thara and Josh. Torin's presence especially is not a welcome site, obviously most particularly for Eli. Making Eli more angry is when he finds out that Ember knew she was engaged to Torin and didn't say anything. But what pissed Ember off was when she found out that there literally was a magical bond on them and that it influenced her feelings and actions toward him. Whatever Torin had been thru has definitely had it's affect on him because he is not always the sweet guy Ember has always known. He has become quick to anger and volatile. Ember's choosing Eli over him does not help at all, but she knows who has her heart and says she's too selfish to let it go. While Ember is doing her things (most especially Eli ), Kennedy has found out she is a druid and has been practicing using her magic in order to help. It's purely accidental when she helps to discover what they have been searching for all along, a map to the sword of light. Of course, Lars also knows about this seeing how he has found her and sent in a spy of his own to watch Ember. After tagging along on a job with the dwellers where things literally blow up, Ember finds herself in Lars' home again making another deal of sorts. When they show up at the compound together, it doesn't go well with the dark dwellers, but Lily is the one who has the biggest problem with it. And we finally learn one of the many big secrets being kept from Ember.
SpoilerI had always suspected that Lars was her father because it just made sense. Finding out it was his brother and what happened between the two of them was something I didn't expect and was very interesting.
With Lars in command, we go forth to find the sword because he has figured out where it is. Unfortunately, it takes a few days of some torturous searching before they discover exactly where it's located. When things are starting to look up, naturally Lorcan shows up. Because that guy just can't not pop in at the worst times. Things go from bad to worse from there. And at the end a betrayal, which I just knew would happen damn it
SpoilerFrom the moment that Josh showed up, I knew something was off. It just didn't make any sense that he would be there with them. And when his actions got more and more suspicious and he kept prying Ember for more and more information, I was certain he was a spy for the Seelie Queen. It kind of pissed me off to know I was right and for nobody else to notice...
forces Ember to make a deal that could mean disaster for so many.

I really can't wait to get the final book and see how all of this is going to end.