A review by the_sunken_library
Holy Cow by David Duchovny


Well I am not sure what to say. How about - what a crock of mixed animal manure. I honestly disliked everything about David Duchovny's 'writing style'; human beings should not go round saying things like 'omg babes you are totes cray cray' let alone animals. It was badly edited drivel. Whats sad is there was the spark, the potential for an interesting debate on mass farming and how detrimental it is to the environment, to us and of course to other species. But what was trundled out was more like David Duchovny taking the piss, the old 'haha look at me, I'm a washed-up celebrity so time to try my luck at writing' and I can see him now; strolling about in a threadbare dressing gown, laughing manically as he taps out lines with his toes on his iphone while drinking cheap vodka from a chipped coffee mug.

It get two stars - one for being a free copy and the other for having the decency to only be 200 pages long and some of those taken up with crapy illustrations.