A review by bookwife
The Cage King by Danielle Monsch


The order of this series is really confusing. It is different every place I go. Hell even on GoodReads. It says it's #4 on the book page but right now it says #2 and on amazon it says 1.5. So whatever. I have only read the first book from this series. I have no idea if the other books have important things in them but ehh.

This book was ok... I honestly do not understand why Nalah left in the first place. Like I really don't. How do you just run away from someone who has been protecting you and loving you for 10 years? Without even talking to him. So I kind of hated her from the start. Esh was cool. I liked him. He was steady in his love for her even though he hadn't seen her in 5 years. So thats cool.. ummmm yeah. The story was ok. I feel like there was a lot of things left unexplained but you get the gist of whats going on.

I will read the next one.. mainly because it's free on audible..