A review by prestonpre
The Music of Dolphins by Karen Hesse


If I remember correctly, this is one of those books that my (elementary) school had an excerpt of in one of our textbooks. I remember it catching my attention so much that I wrote down the title and made my mother purchase it for me at a Scholastic Book Fair (remember those?)

I won't "review" it outright, as it has been years since I read this book. I just remember this one being a book that I constantly returned to. I loved the descriptions of her life with the dolphins, I loved the isolation that she recalled living with them as a human among marine mammals, and I remember the fear in her heart when she was first 'rescued"
Spoilerand the relief when she escaped. Although, I always read the end rather ambiguously and even my childhood brain filled in an ending where she died and reuniting with the dolphins was her heaven. I would have to read it again to find out

This is definitely one of the books that shaped my reading preferences as a child, though you would be hard pressed to find one of those books that didn't. I'm not quite sure how I lost track of this one, as I still own [b:Esperanza Rising|89763|Esperanza Rising|Pam Muñoz Ryan|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328869043s/89763.jpg|1510338] which was from the same 'literary' age of my childhood. This is one that I want to seek out and read again, even if just to relive my childhood once more.