A review by ellstar
The Almost Archer Sisters by Lisa Gabriele


I'm a sister to one brother, and as I get older (I'm Peachy's age for one more week!) it makes me wonder how my life would be different if I had a sister in it.

A major theme in this book is family, belonging, and forgiveness. When we meet Peachy she seems happy, yet exhausted, from the life that she thinks she chose.
She's unsure whether her life is really composed of her choices, or whether its her response to wanting to be different from her sister. Are we made up of our own plans or do we mirror them heavily on the actions of others?

Peachy's New York adventure is important and invigorating because it gives her the perspective on her sister that she would never get in her presence. It's a bit overly tidy and TOO neatly packaged near the end, but you can't help but root for Peachy's good nature to shine through.

A lot of the reviews her are negative mainly because people don't sympathize with Beth, and that's ok. You're niot really supposed to, but you're supposed to want to love her anyway. Just like Peachy discovers she still does.