A review by kristinasshelves
Canto: If I Only Had a Heart by David M. Booher


Canto is a knight who lives in a world where members of his race are slaves to another race. Their hearts are taken and replaced with clocks. Names, caring about others and love are all forbidden, but Canto feels love. When the woman he loves is injured, Canto embarks on a forbidden quest away from his village to seek out her stolen heart. The world that develops is beautiful, with unique creatures and beautiful landscapes. I thoroughly enjoyed the choice of color palette, focusing on daker tones, reds and purples.

This graphic novel is fantasy, with doses of steampunk and fairy tale. The elements of the author’s inspiration from the in the Wizard of Oz are apparent. Oz is which is one of my favorite books/series/movie of all time so I very much enjoyed the nods to that universe.. Overall, this was a fun read!

Thank you to Netgalley and IDW for a PDF of this graphic novel for review.