A review by lit_editions
Hardcore by Dakota Gray


I liked this one a lot...I am really starting to like Ms. Gray.

Duke was fun, a hard ass, but fun. His raw emotions and just who he is made him easily liked. I liked Kennedy, but not more than Robyn. Duke kind of stole the stage, he was like a slow burning rise of passion.
Can I just pause and say, I love their friendship, everytime they were together I smiled at Nate, Duke and Tarek. They made me happy.
Anywho, this story was great. I read it in one sitting. I didn't think I was going to like it and I assumed it was going to be flat in comparison to Perv, but I really enjoyed it. Perv was all a game, Nate was fun, Duke brought a very serious, brooding complexity to filth...and filthy it was. I am satisfied 5 easy Stars.