A review by limabean74
The Alien That Ate My Socks, Volume 1 by Brandon Dorman


My Review

The Alien That Ate My Socks was a really cute book. I loved the quirkiness of the entire thing and it was like chaos but you would expect that if a giant purple alien showed up and eat all your socks and every other article of clothing that wasn’t attached to your body.

Henry, Hank and Hector are the Hooligan brothers. They love hash browns and are not a fan of the bully Rock, who picks on them all the time but don’t worry the Hooligan brothers know how to take care of themselves. During a race with Rock the 3 brothers find a purple monster and chaos breaks loose.

This is such a cute book and I really loved reading it in Henry’s POV. He is 8 and some of the stuff he says is very funny. The entire book has a lot of laugh out loud moments. This is one book I am going to make sure my daughter reads because I think she will love it. The book never stops and stuff just keeps happening. I love that every character has a part in the big purple guy not just the kids.

This is really such a fun book. Lots of action, adventure, humor and a great cast of characters. I really enjoyed this, I totally think you will too!

Thanks for stopping by to check out my review.

Have a great day and Happy Reading!

oxThis review was originally posted on Because reading is better than real life