A review by aaron_j136
After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid


This review will have shade
Be warned

One of my best friends told me this was their favourite book and I was like 'Oh we have a similar taste, so I will probably love it.' Boy was I wrong.

Let's start with the pros, shall we?
1. Charlie
I found Charlie to be the character that carried this book on his back. His humour was really good, especially in his interactions with the other characters. His part of the story was also quite good.
2. Mila
She is a whole mood also I really appreciated the LGBT representation.

Now time for the cons ✌️

1. Ryan
Annoying, perverted, waste of time- Must I say anything else
Oh and he took the bookshelf- rude.
2. Lauren
I did not like her as a main character. She was to be frank, quite basic and boring. She was more boring than the year 6 field trip to Parliament House. If I had to describe her personality in 3 words it would be 'Lacking in personality.'
3/4 This book dragged on and on but then I found the ending really rushed (Death, birth, reunion and marriage within a matter of pages) and I felt like the emotions of the characters could have been developed more.
5. This book had insta love so no thanks. They literally made out on the street on their first date.
W H A T. I mean people probably do this in real life if they believe in true love or whatever.

At one stage I told my friend 'This book should be regarded as a sexually transmitted infection.'

I would recommend this book to lonely straight people, people looking for a quick read, people who like baking and rubbish bins.