A review by noide127
Frida's Bed by Slavenka Drakulić


Although she drags a bit too much Frida's suffering from her toxic relationship with Diego Rivera at the very end, Drakulić's way of telling Frida's life is quite dynamic and interesting. In 160 pages she manages to cover some of the major milestones in Frida's life, while also offering some very poignant observations. I really appreciate the moments she takes to include descriptions of Frida's paintings, because what would be an account of Frida's life without her art?

I did feel, however, that Drakulić's opinions about Frida and Diego's relationship were particularly hard, which I didn't appreciate. Do I feel called out by her? Probably. Do I feel defensive of Frida, who has been continuously reduced to her relationship with Rivera (his wife, a false feminist icon for staying with him)? Definitely.