A review by sacajaguido
Same Difference by Derek Kirk Kim

This graphic novel reminded me the most of Ghost World by Daniel Clowes because the plot is sort of similar; in this graphic novel the main character, Simon, and his best friend Nancy travel to Simon’s home town to ‘stalk’ a man that has been sending letters of unrequited love to Nancy’s apartment addressed to someone named Sarah. While this plot is what slowly moves the novel along the main focus is more introverted. The characters learn about themselves in during this experience and the lesson that they learn is one that will appeal to a variety of different readers. This novel would be great for high school readers that are interested in graphic novels. The art and panels of this novel are done in a way that allows the reader to flow through this book; also, none of the panels are difficult to understand in their layout, so this novel will work well for those that aren’t use to the genre.