A review by sarahglabb
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury


I've been reading really DEPRESSING books lately. Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath, Lord of the Flies, Of Human Bondage, and a few others. The Gandhi book was a bit sad too, biography of his life which ended so terribly. I feel like crying, again.
Fahrenheit 451 is a sad book but it didn't make me cry. I had moments of WHAT??????
Firemen burn books but don't stop fires. Houses now have this fireproof coating. That blew my mind at first, totally opposite of today. People kind of lost social interaction. I would go crazy with the wall t.vs. Crazy, I repeat CRAZY. Trying to imagine a world without books is almost impossible for me, I read all the time. That's pretty much what I do. I don't watch T.V, really I don't. I really don't care for it. That's all what Montag (main character) wife does. She even has a annoying name. Mildred, sounds like mildew to me. Just saying. Part of the reason I don't like that name is another book with a character with the same name who was impossible to like. Same with poor Millie. My least favorite character in the whole, whinny and ANNOYING.
Montag the main character is actually name after a paper company, I heard, that's pretty darn cool. He was a very rash character, and at times full of himself but you love him any way.
People aren't allowed to feel bad. Here's a lesson to anybody: Feeling bad is sometimes necessary. You're not living if you don't feel bad once in awhile. In the end, it bite the people's butt. This is what happens when you don't care about nothing:
Spoiler Not caring about a war and this happens BOOOOOOOOOM!

One thing I like about the ending is that there's still hope. It seems that's the only thing left.
I need to stop reading depressing books.
Yep I do.

Really good book, really good.