A review by sophiereadsstories
Laying Pipe by Kiki Clark


I read Laying Pipe because I actually wanted to read the next book in the series, [b:Banger|61351912|Banger (Blue Collar Hearts #2)|Kiki Clark|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1656202659l/61351912._SY75_.jpg|96760722] and I don't like reading books in series out of order. And boy, am I glad I read Laying Pipe!

I loved the age gap, the crush Lukas had on John, and the way that John realized that he also had feelings for Lukas! Their relationship starts off very hot, and the only problem is that John doesn't feel ready to tell his best friend that (1) he's bisexual and (2) he's in love and lust with his son.

I liked that Lukas made it very clear from the start that he wasn't interested in being a dirty little secret and that he deserved to be with someone who loved him out in the open. John's hesitation was very relatable, as he feared that he would find the love of his life while losing his best friend.

In the end the way they had to tell Lukas' parents were not ideal, but I loved the way his mom handled it! Hey for supportive moms!

It was a very fun read, and I'm so glad that I started the series here.