A review by bookbae96
Calling Me Back by Louise Bay


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Ashleigh Franklin has been in love with Luke Daniels for as long as she can remember. She even knows the exact moment when her heart became his. But Luke has always seen Ash as another little sister, a member of his family. Lately things seem to have changed, though, and now Ash doesn't know quite what to make of it.

I met and loved Ash in WHAT THE LIGHTNING SEES, Haven and Jake's story. As the crazy best friend and third member of the trio made up of Haven and her brother, Luke, Ash constantly had me laughing with her snark and sass. In this book, we see another side of Ash. We see her vulnerability, her utter and absolute love for Luke, and how torn she is between wishing him well in his current relationship and wishing that he could be hers.

Luke has always seen Ash as an extension of his family, always just there and much loved. He can't imagine a life without Ash in it, even as he comes to the realization that he may not feel the same way about Emma, his girlfriend of three years. When life changes occur, it's Ash that's uppermost in Luke's thoughts, and life as they knew it changes drastically.

I love the characters that Louise Bay writes. I've always said that they are just the type of people that I would want to be friends with, and I feel exactly the same about this book. CALLING ME BACK is a book that captured me from the first page, and I could not put it down until I'd reached the end, all too soon, I might add. Delighted about the way that things played out in this book, I was left just...waiting. As this is the first book in a trilogy, I fully expected the cliffhanger, and Louise delivered in a fashion that has me waiting impatiently to get my hands on CALLING ME AWAY (Book 2). 5 lovely, sexy, romantic, oh, finally! stars for CALLING ME BACK.