A review by bungleboo
The Nowhere Emporium by Ross MacKenzie


Stick by my original statement, I don't think I've been this excited about a book since Harry Potter!!

updated review:

Oh. My. Word. I just love this book, the story, the characters, the settings, the everything! My original statement: I don't think I've been this excited about a book since Harry Potter!! And I am sticking to it. If people know just one thing about me it's that I'm a big big Harry Potter fan so that is some statement coming from me!

I fell in love with this book as soon as I saw it, what a cover! And the inside is just as beautiful. I don't think anything I write here will do this book justice so I will start by saying you need this book in your life, it has to be read! MacKenzie takes us on a magical, mystical, imaginative journey that I just didn't want to end. It's funny because as I was reading I could imagine the authors mind working the same way as Daniel's does as he creates his wonders.

Daniel is our leading boy, a boy who you almost feel is searching for something from the start of the story. He stumbles upon The Nowhere Emporium rather by accident after trying to outrun the bullies. Before he knows it Daniels lonely life has changed into a life of wonders, mystery and well, a lot of hard work. After being taken under the wing of Mr. Sliver, the emporium owner, Daniel is thought how to put his imagination to good use. But he has to use more than that if he is to find Mr. Silver after his disappearance once an old face threatens to destroy everything.

Mackenzie sure knows how to take his readers on a journey! I was captured from the first page and I still don't think I was let go at the last. I love books and I have so many different feelings and thoughts as I read, I know we all do, but there was just something about this book, a feeling, that feeling I got when I first read Harry Potter. I'm not saying this is the next Harry Potter, books should not be compared with each other in that way, they should stand alone and we all need to consider them in their own merit. What I am saying is this a book that knows how to make you feel, think, to care, to want more. It is a story that stays with you once you put it down, makes you worry about the characters when you are not reading, and makes you imagine how they lived their lives after that last sentence. And that is when you know you have something special!

I'm not sure I'm doing this book justice, sometimes I struggle to get the right words but please just read this book. So far everyone I've passed my copy to has loved it!