A review by kasiej
The Storyspinner by Becky Wallace


Ok, so I haven't written a review in a long time. Whether it's been a matter of time or disinterest, I just haven't had the urge to rant and rave.

However, something about this book makes me want to wave it around and scream like a crazed fangirl.

I loved this book. The beginning had me a little tentative because I'm not used to so many different POVs switching on a frequent basis. There were 6 characters telling the story and it took a little getting used to, but once I did and it picked up in pace, I was hooked.

I won't reiterate the plot since the blurb conveys it quite well. You have 3 Keepers and 3 humans telling the story. Multiple murders, a missing princess, magic, warring Dukes, strong family bonds, and 2 romances. Not the love triangle type either. 2 actual romances, which I couldn't help but swoon over.

So it's a short review, but it's to the point. I loved this series starter and I cannot wait to read the next.