A review by ghostmuppet
Dark Force Rising by Timothy Zahn


This is the second book in the series featuring Grand Admiral Thrawn. Now all the main characters in the series have been introduced, its time to concentrate on the story. The Dark Force is a set of ships, not a bunch a dark side jedi's. The story is essentially a race to see who can get to the prize of a large number of ships that could swing the direction of the war from one side to another.

Some of the new characters are fleshed out more. Primary is Mara Jade. Her relationship with Luke Skywalker is starting to get complicated and we learn a lot more about her past. Talon Karrde plays a larger role in this book than the first.

Some parts of the story are a little dull, but i suppose we need them for plot progression. The noghri plot with Leia dragged a little for me, but I know it is important to the story.

The quality of the Audiobook is still very high. There was a couple of times when the sound effects drowned out the narrator a little, but these were mainly during the fight scenes and the narrator speeds up his speech to emphasise the action. A minor niggle.