A review by books_plan_create
The Black Witch, by Laurie Forest


I don't exactly know how to rate this book. I was a mix of horrified, shocked, uncomfortable, angry, and happy.
Horrified, shocked, and uncomfortable because damn, the author went there. So much racism. Yes, I get that it wasn't a contemporary racism, but a fantasy racism. Okay, that's cool-but you still have races treating others like garbage, treating other religions like garbage. Meant to be a social commentary? Possibly.

I was angry at Elloren who had no clue she was just as bad as the others she criticized. I was happy that she at least made an effort to learn why she was wrong, to learn about others, and befriend others. But it never really felt genuine.

I don't know. I just don't. Am I upset I wasted time on this book? Nope. In fact I stayed up till 2am finishing it and don't regret it. I thought the world building was excellent, and I loved all of the various races we met. I want more of them! I want to spend lots of time with the Kelts, the Amaz, the Lupines. Will I finish the series (if there are more published)? I don't think so.