A review by lara_bookish_turtle
Made You Up by Francesca Zappia


WOW! This book was so good! I honestly had no real expectations going into this, and I had no idea what it was about, but I loved Eliza and Her Monsters so much, that I had to give this one a go as well, and I was not disappointed!

The storytelling was just so good! I never knew what was real and what wasn't, it was so well done. When I was reading, I thought I knew everything. I thought I could always guess what was delusion and what was real, but then, PLOT TWIST and I actually had no idea the entire time.
SpoilerI'm not scared of snakes, but that snake scene gave me the heebie jeebies. How terrifying to think it's a delusion, but turns out there is an ACTUAL SNAKE coming down your arm. Whew!

Also, every single character in this book is so well done!

Miles is my ultimate fave. He's just so perfect but also such a sad lil bean and I just wanted to reach through the page and give him a hug because he SO BADLY NEEDS ONE!

Tucker was not my favourite I will admit, but I did like the way his character was written and that there was
SpoilerNO LOVE TRIANGLE!!! I hate them so much and I am so grateful to this book for many things, and this is a big part of that!

Alex is such a good character. She felt so REAL and SHE DID NOT BECOME HER ILLNESS!!! YAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!! I'm a bit sad that this is something I have to celebrate so much, because it should always be the case, but this book did it so perfectly. Alex was Alex and that was great.

Also, this book helped me to understand a lot about Schizophrenia. I know it's different in all people, but now I feel like I have a broader and better understanding of what it actually is, and a bit of an idea of what it's like for people who live with it.

I highly recommend this book, I think it is a great read for everyone!