A review by moondance120
Cat's Claw by Susan Wittig Albert


Four members of the Texas Star Quilting Club, armed with needles, thread, thimbles, and scissors, were seated on either side of the wooden quilting frame set up in Ethel Warren's dining room at 1113 Pecan Street.

Book number twenty in the China Bayles series focuses on Police Chief Sheila Dawson, Smart Cookie to her friends. Larry Kirk, a local computer guru, is found by Ruby's sister Ramona in what appears to be a suicide. Sheila tags along with Detective Jack Bartlett to evaluate the scene with him. Too many things don't add up and both quickly decide that they have a murder on their hands.

This was a nice change of pace to have Sheila's point of view. China was still around and stumbles onto her own body that is connected to Larry. The storyline with the mountain lion showing how we are taking away their natural habitats is timely and well handled.

This series always intrigues me. I always learn something new and find a need to do more research on certain elements that are presented.

Well written book that I truly enjoyed. I'm trying to catch up with this series.

I highly recommend this series. If you ever have the opportunity to see Susan i person, please do, She is an absolute gem!