A review by scroggin_cooper
Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb


1. Ronica. Ronica was the best part of this book, no question about it. She has a lot of direction and is very driven. She's like Catelyn Stark if she didn't hate half of her children. She's the matriarch of the Vestrit family, and she will do whatever the Hell she needs to do to keep her family alive and well, or what's good for business.
2. Kyle. I hate Kyle, like REALLY hate him. He's a conniving psychopath who is just utterly despicable. He doesn't give a shit when his son gets captured, then he is horrible to literally everyone, his son included. I think he's worse than Dolores Umbridge. I really want to get in his head.
3. The prose. Hobb truly has a beautiful way of writing her stories. It's quite long-winded, but in a good way, it feels like I can perfectly see it in my head. It's quite interesting and filling.
4. The concept of Liveships. The Liveships are a terrific concept, basically, the figureheads on the front of the ships have personalities, and they're quite interesting characters.
1. The length. This book was too short. Only in the Kennit and his pals' department. I felt they were gravely underdeveloped and I really want to know why he does what he does.
2. A little slow. This book was a little slow in other departments, we probably could've cut the stuff with the Rain Wild Traders, and given it to Kennit.