A review by acsaper
The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac


What I learned from this book?! Well, not a whole lot. . .other than there's no need for me to feel bound by anything other than my personal happiness, and of course, trips home to mom!

Presented as Ray Smith in this autobiographical novel, Kerouac chronicles his time spent not so much [b:on the road|6288|The Road|Cormac McCarthy|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1266449195s/6288.jpg|3355573] as he does off of it. The reader follows Kerouac up Matterhorn and back before finally camping out for a summer on Desolation Peak, true to its name.

A relatively simple read that flows quickly in Kerouac's familiar stream of conscious style writing. He is the only author I've found who can compress a thousand mile journey into a few pages yet still make it interesting to read.

As for the Buddhism? Well, not a whole lot of it is truly expounded. From what I picked up any references are purely Kerouac's anecdotal interpretations, but interesting nonetheless.

A fun story that begs the reader to turn off the tv, get out of the house and go see something. . .enjoy what you have, and if you don't, get rid of it, because you probably don't need it!