A review by benmonroe
We Don't Go Back: A Watcher's Guide to Folk Horror by Howard David Ingham, Monique Lacoste, Simeon Smith, Daniel Pietersen, Steven Horry, Jon Dear


Great book! I didn't realize "Folk Horror" was a thing until a few years ago, but have long been a fan of these types of movies (The Wicker Man, the Witch, Witchfinder General, etc.). I'd been exploring the genre more over the past few years, and this book will be a great help in tracking down the films and shows. Prioritizing the gems, and avoiding the duds.

Ingham's writing style is clear and conversational, and he knows his stuff. I appreciate how he's presenting the articles about each subject not as in depth reviews, but more his own opinions, and discussion about how the films affected him. Art is subjective, and my tastes may not intersect with his all the time, but more often than not I'm finding the book a great reference.

Looking forward to checking out some of the films in the book which I've not seen, and revisiting old favorites with a fresh perspective.