A review by gatun
Cinched: Imagination Unbound by John G. Hartness, Larry N. Martin, Gail Z. Martin


Cinched: Imagination Unbound came to my attention because it contained a short story by John G. Harness, author of the Quincy Harker series that I love. A corset appears in all the stories. In some it is a major feature and in others the corset is a sinister oppressive feature lurking just at the peripheral of the reader's eye.

The book contains the following stories:
The Basque of Red Death by Eden Royce
Cazadora by Andrea Judy
Snake Bite by Misty Massey
Escape by Kimberly Richardson
The Circus by Emily Lavin Leverett
Homecoming by Dave Harlequin
The Blue Lights by MB Weston
A Gift for Death by RD Stevens
High Fashion Hell by John G. Hartness
Tighten the Laces by Herika Raymer
The Shadow Fatale by Nico Serene
Bone of My Bone, Flesh of My Flesh by Sarah Joy Adams
Lagniappe by Gail Z. Martin & Larry N. Martin

​I loved the women in this collection. They were all strong women, with or without the sinister corset. They all made very hard choices and sacrifices to help those they loved and lost.

All the stories were good but the three standouts were:
The Blue Lights - reminded me of the best of the Victorian mysteries like Sherlock Holmes
High Fashion Hell - as usual for a Harker story, funny and horrifying all at once.
Tighten the Laces - hit the unique scale with a large and rocked it

This is a strong collection. I would love to hear it as an audiobook, maybe James Foster and Rebecca Roberts as the narrators.


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