A review by see_sadie_read
Coilhunter by Dean F. Wilson

Did not finish book.
DNF 30%

It's not that it's bad, I just can't stand the writing style. The relentless statements like this, "Mid-stride, Handcart Sally took an ornate, copper pistol from her belt. Nox spotted it with his eagle eyes, and was ready with his eagle claws to fling some bullets of his own..." Ugh, it's all like this, over and over and over again.

Plus, I'm at 30% and there's no sign of a plot yet. I know Nox lost his family. This seems to be the only bit of background the reader is expected to need, not exactly a deep character, and he considers himself so badass he can't be bothered to do anything but threaten and kill people. 30% and that's literally all I know. I'm giving up now as I'm not yet invested and don't expect I will become invested anytime soon.