A review by kaygeraldine
Drag Teen by Jeffery Self


First thing's first: I wasn't expecting to like this book.

It was one of my spontaneous grabs from the library. Ya know, one of those "I really like the cover so I'm going to check it out even though I don't know the premise of the actual plot!" books. That's not always a bad thing. In some cases, it can lead you to finding a favorite.

This was one of those cases.

I sat on my porch, with a cup of tea in my hand, and read this cover-to-cover in less than four hours. Yep, it was that good. Usually, when I read, I have to take fifteen minute breaks every once in a while because I'm either bored or busy. But I made sure to make time for Drag Teen, because frankly, it deserves all of it and more.

Writing: 5/5

Jeffrey Self has created a voice that is humerus, serious, and, most importantly; real. Seriously, the writing made me LOL on one page and think about my life choices on the next. Plus, the writing flowed really easily. With some authors, the plot is good but the writing could use some work. But Jeffrey's writing pulled me in from the very first page. The use of words and metaphors were literally amazing.

Characters: 4.5/5

Overall, the set of characters were really great. I found myself relating to almost all of them. (Even Tash, towards the end.) Each main character represents an insecurity that many people, teens especially, possess. I found myself relating a lot to Heather. My best friend relates more to Seth. Almost every single person can identify with at least one character, which is almost impossible to find in other YA novel. The only problem I had with the characters was how often the main character, JT, complained. I know that he was insecure about his body, his life choices, and his boyfriend. But come on. I found myself rolling my eyes quite often whenever he assumed something ridiculous, or acted out for no reason. I'm sure not everybody agrees with me, but I'm just stating my opinion. I found him to be an annoying character, which was a shame because it prevented me from enjoying a lot of the book.

Plot: 5/5

The plot of this story was great! It had some bumps in the middle, but it kept me hooked through the entire story. I didn't want to put the book down! It was sort of predictable, but at the same time, it was very fun to read. I absolutely loved the entire JT/Seth relationship. And what I loved even more was the fact that this book didn't solely focus on JT coming to terms with his sexuality. He was as queer as a three dollar bill (hehe, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, anyone?) and he embraced it, instead of trying to hide it. I can usually tolerate angst, but it was nice to take a break from it. The story just felt so real, like you were there with JT, Heather, and Seth the entire time. Like, none of the plot twists seemed ridiculous or far-fetched.

Overall, I give this book 5/5 stars. I recommend it to anyone wanting to learn more about the art of drag, or for anyone looking for a feel-good comedy.