A review by claudia_is_reading
The Druid of Death: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure by Richard T. Ryan


I'm a fan of Richard T. Ryan's books, they are always wonderful, intricate stories and this was no exception.

The voices are, as always, perfectly managed. The Holmes and Watson of this stories are faithful to the originals and yet, there are some original touches on them; we see a more human Holmes and a grumpier Watson... and I have nothing to complain about it :P

Lestrade is a more rounded character than in canon which is logical as we see more of him in this story, as he has an important part in the chase of the killer; that's also something that I enjoyed.

And the mystery! Ah, the mystery is fantastic! So complex and it goes for months! And yes, I had my suspicions about the person who ended being guilty, but they were aroused by Holmes' reactions to them, not because I had a clue myself about what was going on *laughs*

And Nigel Peever's narration was, again, wonderful. Although I still don't like Holmes' laugh, sorry!