A review by caedocyon
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson


Finished this over Thanksgiving. It's probably worth 3.5 stars, but I'm giving it an extra half because it's actually the best in the trilogy. Larsson was starting to tone down the obnoxious level of detail, there were lots of plot threads which were all resolved and managed to twine together nicely without interfering, and there was actually a little bit of character development. Not least, it was actually gripping and hard to put down, which I couldn't say for the other two.

So. Finished. Yay! I also watched the first (Swedish) movie a few weeks ago, mostly because I saw too many screenshots of Lisbeth looking interesting. Not sure I recommend it; it's brutal. But it does improve on the book, mostly by making it less confusing.