A review by sherming
Everything Trump Touches Dies by Rick Wilson


So, you've been working for the Republican establishment for 30+ years and then some yahoo who probably ran for President to get publicity and never thought he'd have to govern ends up becoming President with the help of the lame-stream media and a cadre of folks who turned their backs on the values you espouse. What do you do? You make a checklist of all the people and institutions you're really pissed at and take your decades of experience and the sharp wit you used to pillory Democrats for years and turn it on the people who've ruined your party, America, and most probably the world.

If you think Trump is the worst thing to happen to the country and the world in decades, you'll probably find this book amusing and congratulate yourself for agreeing with so many of the points this guy makes, and he's really looking to make points. To say that Wilson pulls no punches vastly understates the anger he vents and the vitriol he uses to dismantle the targets in this book. Probably 90% of the book is red in the face, spittle-flecked ranting, but done with erudition that many of his targets might not understand. He does take Democrats to task at times and offers some fairly frank, though limited advice to them. The last 10% or so of the book is a toned-down prescription for how the Republican party can potentially recover from the toxic shit-storm that Donald Trump has turned it into. Two key points: tell conspiracy nuts and racists that they have no place in the "Party of Lincoln."