A review by satyridae
Aunt Epp's Guide for Life: Miscellaneous Musings of a Victorian Lady by Elspeth Marr, Christopher Rush


I'm deeply skeptical about this, and I can't articulate precisely why. Not because I disbelieve that a Victorian could hold these opinions, certainly not. But there's something... I don't know, precious, something that smacks of patting old ladies on the head here. "Look how cute my old auntie was, so modern talking about sex and wine!" Meh.

The whole book made me roll my eyes. I want more back story, more information about Elspeth, more context. More than darling little opinions on how shoving a hot leek up someone's butt works as a last-ditch cure for hemorrhoids.

Again, I have no idea why this book excited my inner cynic, but it surely did. It may well be every bit as charming as the rest of the Goodreads community found it, and the fault mine.