A review by randombookgrl
Tastes Like Murder by Catherine Bruns


First book of the series, first time I’ve ever read anything by this author, and I absolutely loved it!

The characters are adorable (well, with the exception of a few, including the murder victim!). While I can’t imagine running a bakery- or any business- with my best friend, the relationship between Sally and her bestie, Josie, comes through as authentic and wonderful. Side characters such as Sally’s family (quirky, to say the least!) and a couple of the bakery patrons were wonderfully drawn and left me wanting to see more of them. Oh, and going back to relationships, the love triangle that develops between Sally, her high school sweetheart Mike, and “Officer Hottie” Brian leaves the story on a cliffhanger that that I now have to grab the next book of the series to find out who Sally chooses…

Of course, I’d be grabbing that next book anyways. The mystery itself I found to be well-done. Yes, I thought I had it figured out, but I was not expecting what was actually revealed! Definite kudos for that little twist!

And finally, no culinary cozy would be complete without some recipes. Of course there are cookie recipes, but two of Grandma Rosa’s recipes are also included. I don’t know if I can match this Italian grandmother’s cooking, but I think I’m going to have to try that cheesecake recipe...oh yum!