A review by mackenzierm
Keep You Close by Karen Cleveland


First off, i would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher of this novel for the opportunity of reading an advanced digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

I genuinely enjoyed this book. It was a bit of a slower read for me, but there was something always picking at the edge of me wanting to get back to it, wanting to know more.

My one main complaint is that there were quite a few errors or series of words that were randomly placed, inappropriately. They were easy to disregard, but did pose as a distraction initially. I suppose that is the hazard of reading an uncorrected e-copy.

As for the story, I loved it. The mystery and plot itself was so complex and convoluted that I was trying to get a step ahead and piece it together to find out who is the mastermind and how it all can be unraveled, but came up empty-handed each and every time as new twists developed in the story.

I loved the main character, Steph. Her character was well written and realistic.

I would love for there to be a follow up novel as I feel that it ended at a peak, a cliffhanger if you will. I am quite curious and slightly appalled with the ending because I feel like there should be more!

All in all, an interesting and captivating story!