A review by bookwife
Storm by Carian Cole


**SPOILERS** kind of..

2 stars was generous. 1.5 at most.

I wanted to like this book more than I did. I LOVED the start of it. Evie and Storm were hilarious. Evie has a boyfriend. Okay whatever she'll end it with him and be with Storm but it takes her almost the whole freaking book to leave him and I couldn't stand that. Evie has depression issues and she has self esteem issues and she ends up kind of needy and whiney.

I loved Storm. He was sexy as hell. He was a dirty talker. He was insanely honest and I think that that would be a huge issue for a rock star. So yay for him. BUT some of the conversations were extremely childish. It's just not realistic the way he acts with Evie.

Iiiii... I don't know. I can't decide about this book. I don't know if I ended up hating it because Evie turned into a weak whiney chick and I wanted to yell at her the whole book or if this story just didn't work for me.. One thing that bothered me a whole lot was that a lot of things got skipped over. Like his ex wife and what happened with Michael. I want to know how Michael acted when they went public! She was with the dude for 12 years. I mean yes, he turned out to be a jack ass but still 12 years! I want to know more about his reaction. Or at least just a sentence or 2 but there was nothing. She broke up with him and then there was no more mention of him. It was weird.

I'll probably end up reading the next book. But the way the next book is set up I don't know if I'll enjoy it. It sounds like it's going to be super emotional and I hate emotional books. I don't want to cry when I read! I want to laugh and be happy.