A review by nibblersmommy
Neverywhere by Matthew Mather


Three stars for this one, because I liked it, but I feel a little let down by it at the same time. The beginning was so promising - the idea that someone had actually lost their body seemed right in line with the story arc of the series. But, the story just never felt like it got anywhere. There was a lot of searching and questioning, but ultimately the best thing that happens in Neverywhere is the rekindling of several childhood friendships and a couple funny pranks.

This book was much longer than the others I've read as well. Compared to the other stories I've read in the Atopia Chronicles, this one is a full blown novel. I thought it was a little strange as I was reading it - that it was so much longer than the others - but then I thought it must be because there would be more to the adventure of finding Willy's missing body. But, not so much.

I'm hoping more of this story will come into play in the later books in the series. It wasn't a bad story by any means, I think I was just hoping for more.