A review by bak8382
Anne of West Philly: A Modern Graphic Retelling of Anne of Green Gables by Ivy Noelle Weir, Myisha Haynes


This is a fun, modern retelling of [b:Anne of Green Gables|8127|Anne of Green Gables (Anne of Green Gables, #1)|L.M. Montgomery|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1615094578l/8127._SY75_.jpg|3464264], and I was definitely here for it. I loved the updates they made with the robotics club, and the chocolates being filled with cordial. I'll admit I was a little sad about the Gilbert ending, because I've always loved that relationship, but I can totally see why the other relationship works as well. Also I'm never sad when Matthew gets to live, especially since these versions of the characters seem younger and have access to modern medicine.