A review by tatumoshea
The Blood We Crave: Part Two by Monty Jay


“If I could, I’d stay here forever with him, just like this.”

Monty Jay… you just keep surprising me. If you saw my review for The Blood We Crave Part 1 you’d know I loved it and was highly anticipating part 2. Was I nervous? Sure. Sometimes duets don’t need to be duets or they simply don’t live up to the hype of the first book. However, that was not the case for this book.

We open a few weeks after the events of the last book, pushing us straight into the action and drama that’s been awaiting this set of characters. One thing that I really loved about this book was the fleshing out of the relationships between past POV/book characters. The group is so special but it’s hard to fit everything you want to see into one book, but with a duet there’s much more time to spend with the characters. Expect a group chat, a bond formed through trauma, and a special POV chapter from someone special (hint: fire)

Thatcher and Lyra oh you two have risen above many many other couples on my favorites lists. Serial killer x stalker. Still something I never knew I’d needed, but most certainly did. Lyra especially is just such a beautifully crafted character who I have loved reading about. I also never knew one of my favorite characters would be a bug enthusiast! That’s a new one.

The ending for ThatcherLyra almost feels like the closer to the series. I mean I was tearing up a bit reading their final chapter. But… you get to meet Silas’ LI in the book and his POV in the epilogue, as Monty Jay has done throughout this series. I am very VERY excited for his book and to know more about his LI. When she was introduced it clicked for me that she had to be set up for something bigger. And what do you know! Can’t wait to see them.

Thank you Wildfire Marketing for the arc in exchange for an honest review!