A review by sun_dog
Make Change: How to Fight Injustice, Dismantle Systemic Oppression, and Own Our Future by Shaun King, Bernie Sanders


I'm 30 pages into this book so far, thanks to the preview provided by the author and publisher. It's inspiring and moving, told in a very personal style about events and issues happening all over the US.

The handheld videos and stories of brutality and injustice emerging from everywhere, combined with the news coverage of protesters clashing with unmarked (and seemingly unaccountable) agents and an often aggressive police response, are overwhelming for the average citizen. If you believe that justice and accountability for crimes are important, and worth stepping outside of your comfort zone, it's also unclear as to what the average person can do about it. How can we advocate for change against an entire system that's aligned at most every point against change? How can we join in the push for a just and equitable society, in a way that utilizes what we have to offer and is strategic?

This book is written by an experienced advocate and strategic thinker, one who has leveraged both the new platforms of social media and the pre-existing structures of media and the legal system. He has made tremendous progress and achieved many victories - and struggled with the sense that even those victories were but a drop in the bucket against an entrenched and wealthy system. So he has many lessons to share with those of us stepping into the streets and social media networks, and I'm eager to continue reading once the book is finally published.