A review by jeaninetaniece
Her Unsuitable Match by Sally Britton


“I am broken, Pippa. My body is scarred, but so are my mind and my heart. I am not a whole man—I never will be…”. ~ Myles

After some unfortunate attention in the gossip columns, Philippa decides to take matters into her own hands and proposes marriage to a man she has only met in passing. With the help of her solicitor, she investigates the man’s life and habits, deeming him worthy she draws up a legal agreement of partnership/marriage.

The man, Myles Cobbett, is a veteran of Britain’s war with France and he has the ghastly scars to prove it…missing fingers, disfigured face and an eye patch. But those are only the visible scars, the only scars he dares to share. Deeper, darker scars afflict his mind, his dreams and heart.

While he may be an unsuitable match for Philippa, they are actually quite similar. Both are considerate, compassionate, and caring souls. Of course, they don’t see their commonality. Myles agrees to her proposal because she needs saving, rescuing. That is what he does, he helps those in need and always puts others first. He is honorable and noble, beautiful on the inside, even if society profess him horrifying on the outside. But in the end Philippa isn’t the only one who needs rescuing.

This story totally caught me off guard! A marriage of convenience with a hint of Beauty and the Beast, then some PTSD to sober the context. And I so appreciate the author’s notes about the subject of veterans, their sacrifices, and their well-being. Brilliant, tender, adorable!

Side note: Sally has been putting audio of her books on YouTube for free! I started the audio then switch over to the kindle so I could highlight some terrific passages.