A review by jcqb09
Dust to Dust by Melissa Walker


3.5 stars

On one hand, I'm surprised that so few people have read this book. But on the other hand, as unsatisfactory as this book was, I'm not.

At the time that I read this, it was perfect, just because I needed a book that was a bit less deep and overwhelming after reading the Harry Potter series and The Night Circus. So it was a good cool-down read. But subjectively, it wasn't that great. I mean, she doesn't even end up with the boy in the end! What kind of modern young-adult romance novel are you trying to write, Ms. Walker?

Most of the aspects of this book were super predictable after reading the last book. We know there's something "special" about Callie from reading the last book (and, again, because this is a modern young-adult novel), so the whole "you're a death spot, Callie" thing wasn't as groundbreaking as it was supposed to have been.

I did like the characters somewhat, and how they all banded together as a team in the end. That was cute. But the fact that pretty much everyone else ended up happy and in love except THE MAIN CHARACTER was pretty aggravating. (Maybe Callie will somehow fall in love with Eli, I don't know.) Maybe I just expected this book to be super basic, and didn't predict that other things would happen.

It was an okay book.