A review by mytearsricoxet
A Betrayal of Storms by Ben Alderson


DNF at 50%. This book was bad. Pretty Bad. Most of my gripes with it are technical and stylistic ones, but the content itself wasn't much either.

First of all, the writing. God, it's awful. The prose tries to be elaborate and flowery but falls short, filled with repitition, tautologies and flawed grammar. The dialogue is stiff and inconsistent; one moment the characters attempt to speak like they belong a Shakespearean play, only to revert to the vocabulary of high schoolers the next. It's rather jarring.

The plot is rushed and generic with unimaginative worldbuilding, and the characters have no development or depth whatsoever.

I wanted to like this book, I really did; I'm yearning for a good mlm fantasy, but A Betrayal of Storms definitely isn't it.