A review by nerolireads
Summoned by J.P. Jackson


I can't write this review without mentioning the second book in the series. I read both in succession and I can really recommend it. I really liked the first book in the series, but I LOVED the second book.
This first book is very much an introduction to Dev, Tully, Cam and Ev and the magical world they belong too. As reader you're clued in pretty early on that something isn't quite right. But Dev finally part of this magical world he always longed to belong too is kept clueless for a very long time. That is often frustrating and there were times I wished I could jump into the book whack him on the back of the head and yell at him to open his eyes.

J.P.'s introduction into this magical world is well thought out and well written. There are some things touched upon in the first book that don't really come to life until the second book. So if you feel like you're missing something, don't worry. It'll get addressed in the second book.