A review by luffy79
The Last Illusion by Rhys Bowen


It's almost always the case that I can recognize a book that will score 1/5 right off the bat. The author, Rhys Bowen, should be ashamed of forging ahead with a bad sketchy idea and wrongfully persevering in laying this bad egg. She is totally out of her element. She probably loved bad spy novels and pulp fiction and thought imitation was flattery.

The alarm bells started ringing when the big setup of the Scarpelli guy failed to impress on me. Usually Rhys Bowen's victims hit me hard, but not this one. Every single sentence was a pain to read. I can't account for the spectacular loss of form of the author. Both main characters Daniel and Molly act like muppets in this book, despite the fact that they were on opposite sides. That takes some doing. I had to skip several passages. I usually never do that. Kudos for that must go to Rhys Bowen. There was always something underwhelming in most of the 9 Molly Murphy books I've read. But this particular book takes the cake.