A review by astarions_bhaal_babe
Dragon Rebellion by C. Greenwood, Ellis Archer


Dragon Rebellion is a really good start to what appears to be a really good series that I'll definitely have to continue when I've thinned out my tbr a little.

I wouldn't say the writing was my favorite (very descriptive and kind of anonimous in its semplicity), but it was easy to get through the pages without getting bored, although it took me like 4 chapters to get properly into it and for a book so short, maybe that's a bit too much.
Despite these little things, though, I can't not appreciate the big heart and spirit of the main character (you get it, you've got purple hair), the way both draginkind and dragons are portrayed, and the way the plot unrolls.
I didn't expected it to be so good in action scenes and the author definitely doesn't hold back when she decides to step up her game and throw some serious and/or shocking twist in there without warning us first.

Overall, I liked this book, even if I could have loved it better. I probably expected it to be something different, less simple and formal, and more colorful in all its aspects and not just in informing the reader what kind the dragon's underpants were or in repeating what color the MC's hair was (purple. yeah).
Perhaps I'm just not in the mood for this kind of fantasy and writing. So for now I'm giving it 3 and a half stars for the moment but I might decide to change it once I made up my mind once and for all.