A review by kblincoln
Chase the Dark by Annette Marie


Borrowed this for free under the Prime Kindle lending program-- and liked it so much I am considering buying the second in the series.

This is an alternate-present world where daemons have come out of the closet after an apocalyptic type event. Now the remains of humanity try to go on business as usual in the half-abandoned cities "protected" by half human half daeman (haemons-- and that word always made me want to giggle) "consuls" who are half-warrior, half judge, half-diplomat, etc.

Piper's father is a Head Consul, and apparently (not explained in the book) he used his influence to get his daughter training as a consul despite Piper apparently lacking magic.

A big weakness when confronted with magic-wielding daemons of all kinds.

but that doesn't stop Piper (and there are some admittedly funny and exciting fight action scenes-- including a gladiator-ring style one-- where Piper uses others' reliance on magic to good effect) from getting involved with Lyre, an incubus, and Ash, a mysterious, glowery, bad-ass demon when her father is kidnapped and the Consul invaded.

This is a fun book. So there's unanswered questions, and some world-politics stuff that didn't always make sense, and Piper sometimes seems a bit clueless, but there are giant Chthlulu-esque monsters to fight off, Lyre to be attracted to, Ash to be squashed up against in a closet when hiding from the bad guys, Piper's secret specialness, parental betrayal, and the age old question of who she likes better :) The three main characters also come across as quite young adult, despite the inference that Lyre and Ash have had tons of life experience.

Heavy on the action, light on the romance, a romp of an alternate-world urban fantasy