A review by lt_tara
With This Heart by R.S. Grey


With This Heart is a very different book from Rachel's other ones. It's more serious and it's kind of a coming of age story.
It made me smile but also tear up which doesn't happen to me often.

Abby was a really cute and funny girl. She was very likeable and I truly cared for her. I think we would've been friends if we'd ever met.
I really liked her personality and the way she stepped out of her shell even though she was afraid. Abby was brave and kind and the more I read about her the more I liked her.

Beck was amazing. He was so kind, thoughtful, caring, funny and sweet. I loved how spontanious he was and how much he was helping Abby be herself.
He was also so hot like hello?! And his charisma was the most charming thing about him. He was just that type of guy everybody loves and wants to be around.

Beck and Abby were such a perfect match. Their banter was great, they were so in love and they fit together so well. I loved how easy they got along and I didn't mind the slight insta-love vibe at all.
I had so much fun reading about their road trip and their adventures. I don't read books like that often so it was great to experience some new sights and scenes.

This book also made me really sad at times. I felt like the good times and the bad times were well balanced but man did those bad times suck. First, Caroline. That made me so sad. But my heart really broke at the end when Abby had to let Beck go. I was tearing up. But then, we jumped one year and I was so excited to see how the story would end.
I absolutely adored Abby's poster idea and their reunion was the cutest thing ever. I really fell in love with Beck and Abby and I was happy with how their story ended. It was so cute and adorable but also heart-wrenching and emotional.

Overall I started out just liking the book but I really fell in love with it towards the end. It was emotional and beautiful, very funny and cute and I really enjoyed it.